Maedler North America


Showing all 4 results

  • Spur Gears Acetal Resin, die-cast, Module 0.5 to 3Spur Gears, Polyacetal, Module 1Spur Gears, Straight Tooth SystemSpur Gears, Toothed Racks, Internal Gears, Ratchet Wheels

    Spur gear made of polyacetal resin die-cast with hub module 1 21 teeth tooth width 9mm outside diameter 23mm PN: 28302100

    $3.66 Add to cart
  • Angular Drive OW2 Version 10 with Polyacetal Bevel Gears, Ratio 1:1Bevel GearboxesGear Boxes and Geared Motors

    Open angular drive OW2 with polyacetal bevel gears stainless steel shafts Ø 8mm module 1.5 16 teeth 1:1 version 10 PN: 41035515

    $44.55 Add to cart
  • Couplings, Friction Clutches, Safety CouplingsElastic Couplings RNK, backlash-free, with clampsTorsionally Elastic, Angular Elastic, Longitudinally Flexible

    Elastic coupling RNK with clamp hubs backlash-free size 19 boreholes 14mm outer diameter 40mm overall length 66mm insert 98° shore red PN: 60541914

    $76.38 Add to cart
  • Couplings, Friction Clutches, Safety CouplingsElastic Couplings RNH, backlash-free, with half shell clampTorsionally Elastic, Angular Elastic, Longitudinally Flexible

    Elastic coupling RNH with half shell clamps backlash-free size 19 boreholes 14mm outer diameter 40mm overall length 66mm insert 98° shore red PN: 60551914

    $102.30 Add to cart