Maedler North America

Part number (SKU) 43020008
Output speed 3.12 [min-1]
Output torque (approx.) 50 [Ncm]
Weight 0.25 [kg]


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The supplied 3D models, pictures and technical drawings are made with reasonable care.
Nevertheless liability is excluded for the accuracy and correctness of this data.

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 66 × 54 × 56 cm
Output speed

Output torque (approx.)


Small geared motor CRO 230V 50Hz with capacitor version A output speed 3.12 rpm PN: 43020008

Motor: For 230V, 50Hz. Synchronous motor for both rotational directions (s. motor data overview).
Gearbox: Spur gears, straight toothed, made from plastic.
Ambient temperature: -5 to +70°C.
Capacitor: Enclosed in delivery.


Ships within 6-8 weeks

Quantity Discount (%) Price
1 - 9 $205.55
10 - 24 1.67 % $202.12
25 - 49 3.34 % $198.69
50+ 5 % $195.27

Small geared motor CRO 230V 50Hz with capacitor version A output speed 3.12 rpm PN: 43020008

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