Maedler North America


Showing 21–27 of 27 results

  • Ball Joints RW, SteelSingle Universal Joints in different modelsUniversal Joints

    Ball joint RW bore 30H7 with keyway DIN 6885-1 on both sides outer diameter 55mm steel PN: 63135500N

    $210.84 Add to cart
  • Clevises DIN 71752 and BoltsClevises silmilar to DIN 71752, aluminiumRod Ends, Spherical Bearings, Clevises, Clevis Joints, Angle Joints

    Clevis similar DIN 71752 size 4 x 8 right handed aluminum black anodized PN: 63766201

    $1.43 Add to cart
  • Bearings, Bushes, SealsDIN 3760 - Radial Shaft Seals Design ARadial Shaft Seals DIN 3760 Design A, for Shaft Diameter 6 to 30 mm

    Radial shaft seal type A with one sealing lip 6 x 16 x 5mm PN: 64790005

    $3.26 Add to cart
  • Splined Hubs with Flange - DIN ISO 14 made of Red BrassSplined Shafts and Toothed Shafts and Hubs

    Splined hub with flange DIN ISO 14 KN 46×54 length 100mm red brass Rg7 PN: 64856400

    $377.45 Add to cart
  • Accuride® - Telescopic Slides and Linear GuidesBracket Accessory Kits DZ 634 for slides 9301 and 9308

    Mounting bracket set DZ 634 for slides 9301, 9307 and 9308 bracket length 406mm 2 brackets with 4 bolts, nuts and washers PN: 64905616

    $119.94 Add to cart
  • Machine Mounts, Rubber-Buffers, DampersRubber-Metal Fastening-Bushes MAED-FLEX®

    Rubber-Metal fastening element MAED-FLEX material Chloroprene CR 75 +/-5°ShA d2=9mm thread M4 PN: 68551004

    $1.51 Add to cart