Maedler North America


Showing all 3 results

  • Double-Plate Wheels ZRL, Pitch 5/8 x 3/8", ISO 10 B-2Double-Plate Wheels ZRL, Pre-boredDouble-SprocketsSprocketsSprockets, Chains, Accessories

    Double-strand plate wheel ZRL without hub 10 B-2 5/8×3/8″ 45 teeth material steel PN: 12624500

    $114.45 Add to cart
  • Spur Gears Acetal Resin, die-cast, Module 0.5 to 3Spur Gears, Polyacetal, Module 0.5Spur Gears, Straight Tooth SystemSpur Gears, Toothed Racks, Internal Gears, Ratchet Wheels

    Spur gear made of polyacetal resin die-cast with hub module 0.5 100 teeth tooth width 3mm outside diameter 51mm PN: 28110000

    $2.93 Add to cart
  • Ball Screw Drives, Rolled VersionBall Screw Spindles, Right Hand, RolledTrapezoidal Thread Spindles, Nuts and Ball Screw Drives

    Ball screw spindle rolled 32x10mm length 1345mm PN: 64032102

    $612.47 Add to cart