Cardan Adapter KARA for Flanged NutsDIN103 - Trapezoidal Spindles and Nuts, single thread, right handTrapezoidal Thread Spindles, Nuts and Ball Screw Drives
Cardan adapter KARA-40 bore D1=40mm D3=58mm thread=M6 x 12 PN: 64470140
$158.28 Add to cart -
Linear Bearings Units ISO Series 1, Closed DesignLinear Motion, Linear Bearings, Precision Rail GuidesTandem Linear-Bearing Units KGT-1 ISO Series 1, with Two Linear Bearings
Tandem linear-bearing unit KGT-1 ISO series 1 premium with double rubber seal for shaft diameter 30mm PN: 64640330
$215.33 Add to cart -
Flange Shaft Blocks GWFLLinear Motion, Linear Bearings, Precision Rail GuidesShaft Blocks
Flange shaft block GWFL for shaft diameter 40mm PN: 64640540
$65.47 Add to cart